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GLA, eczema, chronic disease and their connection

Writer: Konni VukelicKonni Vukelic

Updated: Nov 23, 2020

Ok so here is the breakdown for my geek friends who want to know more; remember you asked for it!

I was going to post about the Three Bees Boo Bee Balm. This is a salve that I have been getting exemplary feedback on its efficacy in treating eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. It’s a really common condition that many people suffer from.

I will generally do additional research every time I post on the benefits of what I make to continuously better understand why it works as it works. As a result, I read a lot of clinical trials and such

The oils and herbs, really every ingredient in this salve, according to my research, is mentioned as having a benefit to numerous skin conditions. Although that is not what I initially formulated it for. In the course of my first round research however it kept coming up. So I have been selling it with great results to many who suffer from those conditions. Clinical trials said the oils worked; I wanted to understand the physiology behind it better.

Three Bees Boo Bee Balm

My most recent inquiry on the oils led me to the information of topical application of oils rich in fatty acids (GLA) and the results they produce. My desire to understand why it works led me to the connection of GLA as it relates to many of the chronic diseases that are responsible for death in America today.

GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) is an omega 6 fatty acid found in plant foods such as hemp, borage oil, flax, etc. (I will post more on this separately) and in low concentration in organ meats.

We need to eat these in food because our body doesn't make them. These are HUGELY important and linked to most of the chronic diseases people are dying from in America today. Remember, 7 in 10 die from preventable chronic disease. Those who know me well know I cite this statistic often because I find it crazy that 70% of us are DYING FROM SOMETHING PREVENTABLE.

GLA does the following: it converts to a hormone like substance called prostaglandin (PGE1). For those of you taking STATINS these simulate the release of prostaglandin (PGE1). Statins are of course one of the most prescribed meds out there.

PGE1 has anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a blood thinner and a blood vessel dilator. When GLA does not convert to PGE1 it can be because of the many things that interfere with this including; saturated fats, hydrogenated oils, blood sugar problems, inadequate vitamin C, zinc, magnesium and B vitamins. (Guess what, many/most people are magnesium deficient. More on what contributes to this in a later post also.)

PGE1 is needed by the body for brain function, cell growth and reducing triglycerides, (Remember the Statins again) so it is responsible for lowering the risk of heart disease (America’s number one killer) and having low LDL (good) cholesterol. PGE1 helps deal with inflammation and disease and are found in almost every tissue in humans and animals.

I remember I read some time ago a doctor who said cholesterol was not necessarily bad, it was simply the body’s response to inflammation. Seems logical in light of this information.

Glucose intolerance and dietary fat intake can cause us to be partially GLA deficient. GLA deficiency does not indicate low omega 6 levels. Most individuals eating the standard American diet have accelerated omega 6 levels but low in GLA. Now while GLA is an omega 6 it is not the only omega 6. GLA is a good omega 6 that helps convert omega 3 to PGE1 which is needed to prevent premature aging and the onset of most chronic diseases.

The right balance of omega 6 to omega 3 is further critical because when in the proper amounts in our body, omega 6 helps cell growth, fights inflammation, halts cell damage and promotes repair.

On the flip side excessive omega 6 levels promote pathogenesis of many diseases including cardiovascular, cancer, autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. (Again, what everybody, ok many, out there seems to have or get.) The excess levels come from when you consume foods that don’t convert. Foods that don't convert include excessive red meat, dairy, eggs, durum wheat, processed food, fried foods, etc. One of the things that helps us convert omega 6 fatty acids? Exercise. Imagine that. This explain why some people with poor eating habits can delay the onset of disease through exercise.

Delta 6 desaturase is an enzyme responsible for the conversion of GLA to PGE1. Alterations of this enzyme are associated with several diseases from metabolic derangements to neuropsychiatric illnesses, type 2 diabetes to cardiovascular disease, inflammation to tumorigenesis. Yep, again, everything that is prevalent and slowly killing us. In layman terms; obesity, mood disorders, diabetes, heart disease, inflammation and tumor formation.

Some of what I’m reading sounds as if it indicates that we can pass on a mutation of this to our children in our DNA, this would explain why there are so many kids with eczema problems, I hear so many people share with me their children have had it since birth.

As we age GLA producing enzyme delta 6 desaturase declines. This matters, again because delta 6 desturase is directly related to the following:



Cancer cell growth


There’s more, theres also a link of a decrease in delta 6 desaturase in the incidence of fatty liver disease. If you have a fatty liver it can be extremely difficult to lose weight. The connection of the decrease of this critical enzyme to weight loss make perfect sense.

SO…Guess what? Your eczema may be telling you you have a deficiency in omega 3 fatty acids or an imbalance in the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3, or, your body may be telling you that it is not converting to the PGE1 that it needs. I wonder if eczema and other skin conditions can even be considered a precursor sign of high cholesterol and heart disease.

GLA has seen proven benefits in inflammatory diseases such as eczema. Which explains why Three Bees Boo Bee Balm works on eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. It has oils rich in GLA and in clinical trials topical application has shown to give the most effective and immediate result. (Better than RX meds) However when topical application stops, the condition often returns.

This is because in the end there is an underlying condition causing the problem which is likely an imbalance of omega 3 to omega 6 or an inhibition of the process of PGE1; likely linked to consumption of excess amounts of red meat, durum wheat, dairy products, eggs, saturated fats from fried foods, sugar, and any oils used in cooking that are used at high temperatures. (When you heat any oil past it’s burn point it changes from a healthy fat to an unhealthy fat and no longer helps to convert omega 3’s to PGE1 thereby creating an imbalance of omega 3 to omega 6.)

Lastly, some of the factors that inhibit Delta 6 desaturase (D6D) in the body include excessive alcohol consumption, radiation, diabetes and endocrine dysfunction.

In closing, if you need something to help with eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis I have a great salve I can recommend. It will work. For a long term, solution however, I would recommend taking a look at what you are eating and consider how it may be impacting your skin and possibly other conditions, past, present and future.

A diet rich in GLA should be considered by anyone wishing to reduce or eliminate the likeliness of future disease and delay the onset of aging. The Okinawa diet is rich in GLA. They are the oldest living people in the world. Enough said.

See the Three Bees Boo Bee Balm video testimonial and shop here

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